Ready to Shift?

Likeminded people looking for purpose driven adventure, stepping into action together. 


Shift Seignosse Seminar

September 20, 2024

Seignosse, France

Shift Seminars

Shift Seminars take individuals deep into their vision and back to the first steps, overcoming the obstacle of stalled inertia.  Breaking down the journey into manageable steps and providing a mentorship network of support and accountability allowing individuals to envision a path to passion and action. 


  • What should we know about this service? How much does it cost, what does it entail? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • What should we know about this service? How much does it cost, what does it entail? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • What should we know about this service? How much does it cost, what does it entail? Better descriptions result in more sales.

Our Founder:

Zoe Hart

Zoe is an alpine climber and the fourth American woman to earn her International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations status, the highest level of credential available to professional mountain guides. Becoming a mom demanded Zoe to realign her work and personal life, balancing motherhood and her own passions. Now she focuses her energy helping others navigate the same shifts in life, finding purpose and creating impact within circumstantial change.

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